Tuesday 10 July 2012

Month of Metas 4/4

NOTE: For the sake of solvers who may have missed last week's contest, the solution is on a separate page (see the tabs above). The write-up below gives nothing away about the puzzle or meta answer.

Week 3 Wrap-up

8 solvers (out of 27) submitted the correct answer to the third meta, but only one can win. By random selection, this week's winner is Tanya Gevaert. Tanya wins the chance to request a clue and/or answer for an upcoming Cross Nerd puzzle. Big ups, Tanya!

Miscellaneous Xword News

Cross Nerd (and every puzzle you throw at him) solver Erik Agard has constructed a series of 14 new puzzles, available free on his website, the wonderfully named "Anoa Place (where we can go)". I've only solved a couple so far, but I like what I see. You'll probably like them too: they've got tight themes, snazzy entries, and - my favourite part - delightfully playful clues. Give 'em a solve!

This Week's Puzzle

This week I have for you the final puzzle of the Month of Metas series. That said, it's likely that I will run more metas or puzzles of a meta-like nature (don't know about another contest, though). Themeless for next week, however, since we're long overdue for one of those.

As I mentioned last week, I unfortunately had to swap week 3 and week 4. Hope no one minded too much. Last week's puzzle turned out to be about as tough as I had intended when it was week 4, so that's something, but I do feel bad about weeding out so many solvers on, technically, week 3. Sorry, still working out the kinks here at the Cross Nerd.

Meta Contest Overview: There will be four metas in total, one each week. Each week, one winner will be randomly chosen from the list of solvers with the correct answer to the previous week's puzzle. They will win the opportunity to suggest an entry and/or clue for a future Cross Nerd puzzle, and will bring honour to their family and their country. At the end of the four weeks, any solvers that answered all four metas correctly will be entered into a draw to win untold riches, most likely in the form of a puzzle book or two (haven't decided yet, but seriously probably something around a $25 value).

Week 4 Instructions: This week's contest answer is a famous character of literature and film. This is week 4, but this puzzle was originally conceived as week 3, so it's a bit easier than last week, but no walk in the park. Send an e-mail with the answer in the subject line to peter.bananarchy[at symbol goes here]gmail[dot]com by 11:59pm CST on Sunday, July 15.

More words, crossed and otherwise, next Tuesday.

ALERT: I've discovered a small, stupid oversight I made in this puzzle, which may slightly affect the solving experience. I'll try to change it as soon as possible, but my hands are tied at the moment; at very latest, it'll be changed by supper time. You may want to wait until it's been updated.

Puzzle: The Digital Divide
Rating: XW-PG13

Download the PDF file here and the PUZ file here, or solve or download the Across Lite puzzle and/or software from the embedded app below.

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